Welcome to the Official WC USBC Website

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of 2 Officers and 15 Directors, and is the governing board of the association.


Every year at our annual membership meeting, we conduct elections for those officer and director positions whose terms have expired.  A nominating committee accepts and reviews all candidates submitted for consideration and prepares a slate of candidates to be presented to the membership.  At the annual meeting, nominations are made both from the proposed slate, as well as from the floor at the meeting.  Elections are held and based on the results, the candidates take office on August 1st.


President - Joette Healy
Vice-President - Brenda Selman



Philip Bowles

Barbara Campisi

Stephanie Casey

Jane Corley

Angelo Corradino

Jennifer Goode

Gloria Haynes

Linda Infante

Diana Lamb

Marilyn Maracic

Olga Mendez

Danielle Peters

Jose Rojas

Thomas Solimine Sr.

Jeff Webber

We are always looking for bowlers who would like to be a part of the future of bowling by becoming a member of the WCUSBCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS!  You can also participate by simply volunteering on 1 of many committees.


The commitment is voluntary! We meet 3 times a year and establish working committees! We are looking for leaders, for those with social networking skills, and for those who just want to help!

You can make a difference by participating!


If you feel you can contribute, complete a brief resume (click here for sample) and email or mail it to the association office or simply contact the office;

Elections are held in July.